Yes...but I don't know what to say.
Just say yes, dear. Will you?
Oh, Violet.
What are you kicking about?
You got a good wife. You're happy.
Oh, that sister-in-law of mine...
she wants to sit up half the n-night r-reading.
Gee, that's tough.
Tough! You b-b-
Cleo's gone on a d-d-diet!
It's awfully sweet of you to say that.
And I know Violet will be happy.
Oh, here's Roscoe.
This is Mr. Vadjez.
Glad to meetcha.
Violet and he are engaged to be married.
Oh, yeah?
Yes, and you must come to see us sometime.
Thanks. You must come to v-v-v-
come to see us sometime, too.
I certainly will. Thanks.
Who is it?
It's Frieda, Hans.
May I come in?
Yes, Frieda.