Nice, very nice, hmm?
It's platinum! Hey, where do you think
the little pollywog is getting his money?
Being so particular!
What do you care where the
money comes from. How much is it worth?
We got five hundred for the bracelet...
but this looks like thousands!
I think next time I'll take a fur coat.
Say, that little ape's got ideas about you.
Me? I'll squash him like a bug.
That's his knock.
I'll get rid of him. Go quickly!
Come in.
What do you want?
It's about Hans.
Well? I'm listening.
It's behind his back, everybody's laughing,
because he's in love with you.
Go on.
I know you just make fun.
But Hans, he does not know this.
If he finds out, never again will he be happy.
What makes you think
that I'm just making fun?
Your face... so beautiful...
...and Hans is so little, so cute, eh?
Well, maybe I'm going to marry him!