Grand Hotel

- Very little.
- That's too bad.

Did you ever see a stenographer
with a decent frock on?

I have, indeed.
One she'd bought herself?
I see what you mean. Poor kid.
- I wish I were free tonight.
- Aren't you?

- What?
- Free.

No, darn it, I’m not.
But there's tomorrow.
- What time tomorrow?
- 5:00, downstairs.

Where downstairs?
In the funny yellow room
where they dance.

You're funny.
- Tomorrow?
- Of course.

We'll dance?
All right. We'll dance.
I wonder if I could remind the Baron
of his promise...

that I might speak to him at any time?
Mr. Kringelein, how are you making out
in the royal suite?

- Wonderfully, thanks to the Baron.
- Baron?

- Are you a baron?
- Strangely enough, yes.

- Then this isn't the Baroness?
- Strangely enough, no.

- Do I look like a baroness?
- You're attractive enough to be anything.

Thank you, Baron. You're nice.
- Thank you, Miss...
- Miss Flaemm.

- Miss Flaemm, this is Mr. Kringelein.
- Hello.

- They call me Flaemmchen.
- I like that better.

I wonder if the Baron would take
the trouble to come to my beautiful room?

I've ordered some caviar and champagne.
It's very expensive,
but that doesn't matter.

Perhaps Miss Flaemm would join us.
Have caviar, if you like,
but it tastes like herring to me.

It does, as a matter of fact.
I hadn't thought of that.

I'm sure my beautiful room...
will appeal to your artistic sense.
