Horse Feathers


Is this stuff on the level, or are you
just making it up as you go along?


Why, everything I told you can be
found in the simplest anatomy book.


I'm sure my students will bear me out.
- We'll bear you out.


Let that be a lesson to all of you.

This school
will be here long after you're gone.


That goes for you, too.

Leave me alone!

Let us follow a corpuscle
on its journey.


Oh, my mistake,
I thought I was a corpuscle.


There is constant warfare
between the red and white corpuscles.


Now, baboons, what is a corpuscle?
- That's easy.


There's a captain, then a lieutenant,
then there's a corpuscle.


That's fine. Why don't you bore a hole
in yourself and let the sap run out.


We now find ourselves among the Alps,
simple people who eat rice and shoes.


Beyond are more Alps, and the Lord
Alps those who Alp themselves.


The blood rushes from the head to the
feet, gets a look at those feet,


and rushes back to the head again.

This is known as auction pinochle.

We first listen to your hearts beat,
and if your hearts beat anything


but diamonds and clubs, your partner
is cheating. Or your wife.


Now take this point, for instance...

That reminds me. Where's my son?

Well, the human body
takes many strange forms.


Now, here is a most unusual organ.

The organ will play a solo
immediately after the feature picture.


Scientists examine rats, or
your landlord who won't cut the rent.


And what do they find? Asparagus.

Now, on closer examination...
