I've got my bankroll bet on Oarwin,
and I'm taking no chances.
Before the game starts
I'll have the Huxley signals.
Oown the hatch and on my way.
See you later.
Bye, dear.
Are you still here.
- I just came in.
What do you mean, am I still here?
- I mean, are you hear already?
I shouldn't be here. The old man
gave me a terrible bawling out.
Oon't worry about him,
he'll never know you were here.
How about a little drink?
- Alright, I'll get you one. - Please!
Are you Miss Bailey?
Come, come, one of us is!
- I'm Miss Bailey, and who are you?
I'm Prof. Wagstoff. Who are you?
- Miss Bailey!
Then you are Miss Bailey.
Thought you could fool me.
You've got to give my son up.
- Give him up?
He's all I've got, apart from
a picture of George Washington.
But... - Lies! He's a shell of his
former self, which nobody can deny.
I tell you you're ruining him.
Oid he tell you that you have
beautiful eyes? - Why, yes.
Told me that, too. Tells everyone!
I could sit on your lap all day
if you didn't stand up.
Quick, get out! That door.