I don't want any ice.
Who was that? - The ice man.
- You can't pull the wool over my ice.
The ice man leaves me cold.
Here you are...
- So, I caught you at last.
You are fooling around with her.
Oh, the shame of it.
A son taking a dame from his father.
- Oad... - Enough, get out of here!
I'll settle with this woman, then
we'll have you to dinner. Let's go.
Follow me.
Be a lamp in the window
for my wandering boy.
Where were we?
Oh yes, I was on your lap.
And doing pretty well, as I recall it.
Hurry, get out! Hurry!
And remember, stay undercover.
- I've more students in the college.
You dropped your ice.
I don't want any ice!
- Neither do I.
Now do you want any ice?
- No!
Oh, you're beautiful.
You're overcoming me.
- Thanks for reminding me.
I like you. You got something.
I'm gonna tell him he's crazy.
Professor, what are you doing here?
Nothing, since you came in.
You know him?
- He put me on the football team.
Now I just have to get him
off the couch.
Read any good books lately?