This must be the main highway.
Follow me,
I've been doing this all day.
Pretty popular place. - Yeah,
a hot dog stand would clean up.
What are you doing here?
- Me? I'm the music teacher.
Since when?
- Since you came in.
And you? - I'm the plumber. In case
something goes wrong with her pipes.
I haven't used that joke for 20 years.
Take a deep breath and follow me.
Cosy place we have here.
You sing high, eh?
- I have a falsetto voice.
My last pupil,
she gotta false set of teeth.
So maybe it's better you don't sing.
That's much better. I'll sing.
"Everyone says I love you,
the big mosquito when he sting you,
the fly when he's stuck on
the fly paper, too, says I love you.
Every time the cow says "moo",
she's making the bull very happy too,
and the rooster when he holler
cock-a-doodly-doo, says I love you.
Christopher Columbo, he write
the Queen of Spain a nice little note,
he say how I love you, then he get
a great big boat. He's a wise guy.
What you think Columbo do,
when he's coming here in 1492,
He says to Pocahontas, atch-a catchy
coo, which means I love you!"
Maybe it's better I don't sing, too.
- Yes. - Alright, I'll play.