I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang

Believe me, I'm glad to be working.
It's my first job in four months.
What can I do for you?
How much can you give me
for this Belgian Croix de Guerre?

Come here, mister.
How about some poker
to see who bums the handout?

No, I'm afraid not.
I'm new in this town
and not on to the ropes.

- Been on the road?
- Yeah.

I took to walking the ties
when my Rolls-Royce broke down.

- What's your name?
- James Allen.

James Allen? That'll do, I guess.
Mine's Pete.

- Glad to know you, Pete.
- Glad to know you, Allen.

I'm hungry.
What would you say to a hamburger?

What would I say to a hamburger?
I'd shake Mr. Hamburger by the hand
and say:

''Pal, I haven't seen you
in a long, long time.''
