I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang

The full name is Allen James.
- Report 8:00 tomorrow morning.
- Yes, sir.

Say, James...
that's a swell idea you had
about the bend up there.

- I told the boss it was your suggestion.
- You did? That's very nice.

I don't think you'll be swinging a pick
much longer.

This is the room that's for rent.
Very nice room.
What are you asking for it?

- $25 a month. And that's very reasonable.
- Very.

But it's more than I feel I can pay.
I'm sorry, because I like the location.
It's not far from the bridge I'm working on.
I'm sorry, too...
because I'd like to rent this room
to a gentleman like yourself.

But you don't know anything about me.
I can tell. You look like you'd be friendly.
Not like a stranger around the house.

- How much would you be willing to pay?
- Really, it's out of the question.

Well, suppose I made it $20.
That's silly.
You can easily get your price for it.

I'm willing to let it go for $20. To you.
Well, it's a mighty nice room.
You'll like it.
