Heres a toast to you, Paul.
Youve torn my Pierre
away from his books
and made him enjoy himself
for once.
Oh, dont thank Paul.
It was for you I came.
Then I must drink
a toast to Camille.
Oh, no, Paul.
Youve had four glasses
Thats nothing.
For last years
carnival night, I had 14.
Dupin, Paul!
Look at the Arab dancers.
This way. This way.
See the naughty nautch nymphs.
The adorable Arab angels.
Come, we must continue
our studies of anatomy.
Yeah, much nicer
than... than visiting a morgue.
performance of dancing.
We have Lady Fatima!
Lady Fatimas
snake imitations...
Do they bite?
Oh, yes, but you have
to pay extra for that.
Mignette, do you think
you could learn
to do that dance for me?
Well, then...
I guess Ill have
to join the show.
See, Pierre,
how brown they are.
Is that their real color,
do you suppose,