Murders in the Rue Morgue

Say something.
Come in.
Speak of the devil.
Good morning, monsieur.
You’ve got it, eh?
Yes, monsieur, I’ve got it.
But who knows,
at the price of my job,

I am a married man, monsieur.
I have children.
And if the police
should even suspect

that I was holding anything
back from them,

I should be put behind bars.
No use, no use,
we haven’t a centime.

Yes, monsieur.
I must owe you the money.

The morgue
must give us credit.

Then, I will trust you.
Monsieur, the Morgue Keeper,
perhaps you have an extra slab
for my friend here.

Why not take him in?
He eats nothing,
he doesn’t talk.

He never changes
his position.

I’m sure he’d make you
a very fine tenant.

I’ll pack his things
and send them down.

You don’t live
badly here, monsieur.

I had to hurry myself up here
without lunch.

And now you have to
hurry back for your lunch.

Boy, that’s too bad.
Good appetite to you
and your quiet guests.

Good day, monsieur.
If you’d pay half as much
attention to your studies

as you do to this nonsense,
what grades you’d get.

What did you find out?
After the carnival last night,
I performed an autopsy.

The victim didn’t die
of drowning.

There was no water
in her lungs.

Oh, so that’s what
you were up to.

I thought you were
with Camille.
