Of what did the victim die?
Paul, here it is again.
The same foreign substance
in the blood of each victim.
Look, Paul.
All three died
from the same cause.
Some strange poison perhaps.
Something introduced
into the blood streams
that caused their death.
What could it be?
I dont know.
Thats what
I have to find out.
Oh, Pierre, you must
pull yourself together.
Why, youre
becoming fanatical.
Look at yourself
in the mirror.
Your eyes are getting glassy.
Just like that
old charlatans.
Dr. Mirakle, eh?
What did you make of him?
Oh, hes a faker.
Did you pay attention
to what he said?
You mean about us being
the product of evolution?
Has it occurred to you
that he might be right?
Eat your lunch.
Dr. Mirakle.
Hes a strange man.
Mother. Mother!
See what the concierge
has just brought up.
Mother, come quickly.
Im coming. Im coming.
For pitys sake, what is it?
What are you
so excited about?
See what just came.
A new bonnet.
A bonnet!