Oh, its lovely.
Are you sure its for you?
My names on the box.
Isnt it pretty?
Oh, now,
who could have sent it?
Maybe its from Pierre.
Oh, where would Pierre
get money enough
to get a present like that?
Maybe theres a card
inside the box.
Its from Dr. Mirakle.
And who is Dr. Mirakle?
You know, I told you.
The funny old man
at the sideshow
who owns the ape.
Oh, I see.
The ape took your bonnet,
and the gentlemans
replacing it.
Well, thats
very nice of him.
Its a beautiful bonnet.
Shall I wear it
to the picnic?
Why not?
I wonder how he found out
where we lived.
But didnt you tell him?
He wanted to know.
But Pierre wouldnt
let me tell him.
Thats funny.
Well, anyway,
you have a new hat.
Camille? Camille?
There they are.
Ah, there she is.
Everybody, ready.
One, two.
~ Her father wanted her
to wed a funny ~
~ funny little man ~
~ Her mother wanted her
to wed a funny ~
~ funny little man ~
~ My father wanted me
to wed a funny ~
~ funny little man ~
~ But I would not be wed,
I said ~
~ to such a funny
little man ~~
Come, fair maiden.
Yon charger champs
at the bit.
Come on, Camille.
Hurry up! Hurry up!
Did you bring the chicken?
My, arent you
dressed up?
~ But she would not
be seen she said ~
~ with such
a funny little man ~
~ But she would not
be seen she said ~
~ with such
a funny little man ~~