All right, go in the corner.
Erik. Erik.
Let me get this for you.
He got out with the ape,
and Ill swear
they were talking
to each other.
They went inside, and after
that there was no sign of life.
Not a sound.
So you went home?
Well, I dropped in
at the morgue.
what will you come to?
Why are you always visiting
that horrid old place?
Dont you worry, darling.
Theres all of our Paris,
spread out before us.
I like to see
the little lighted windows,
twinkling like stars.
Wouldnt it be fun
to know all
that was going on
inside those houses?
Perhaps its just as well
that we dont know.
Think of what all those walls
are hiding.
Broken hopes
and bodies and hearts.
Absent dreams.
Starvation, madness.
Crimes of the streets.
And tragedies of the river.
Paris. My city.
I hate to leave you
alone tonight.
Hold me tightly, Pierre.
I could hold you forever,
Good night, dear.
Good night, Pierre.