Dinner is served.
Well, I'm ready.
I was hoping that you would take us in to dinner.
You seem upset, Doctor.
Oh, no. Not at all.
This is Captain Harvey. Miss Hui Fei.
I am glad to meet you, Captain Harvey.
It's a great pleasure.
Good evening, folks.
Good evening.
It's time to put on the nose bag.
I'll wait for you in the diner.
Bon appetit, mademoiselle
Merci beaucoup, monsieur.
Bon appetit, monsieur
Thank you, Major.
Good evening, Major.
You are very cruel, Doc.
I reserve the privilege of choosing my friends.
She's no friend of mine.
I was only trying to be decent.
Oh, professional courtesy?
Call it what you like.
New, isn't it?
Of sorts.
That's new too, isn't it?
It's very becoming.
Merci monsieur.
- Laissiez-vous vous assoir ici, madame?
- merci monsieur
Hold on, Major.
Don't let those sardines get away from ya'.
J'ai compris très bien, mon vieux.