Shanghai Express

Instead I lost you.
I suffered quite a bit,
and I probably deserved it.

I was a fool to let you go out of my life.
I wish you could tell me there'd been no other men.
I wish I could, Doc.
But five years in China is a long time.

I wish I had 'em back.
What would you have done with them?
There's a scheme of things.

Sooner or later we would've parted anyway,
and we might never had met again.

We wouldn't have parted, Madeline.
We'd have gone back to England,
married and been very happy.

There are a lot of things I wouldn't have done
if I had those five years to live over again.

There's only one thing I wouldn't have done, Doc.
What, for instance.
I wouldn't have bobbed my hair.
Good night, Donald.
From one of your lovers?
I wish I could believe you.
Don't you?
