Shanghai Express

I am not punishing you for dealing in opium,
but for your insolence to me on the train.

What's a matter with him? Has he fainted?
- They've branded him.
- Branded him?
- Oh, horror.

- I'll get some oil from the train.
- Wait, I'll come with you. I need to get my bag.

I should never have made this journey.
Major Lenard.
Mais qu'est-ce qu'il veut me dire?
Je ne peux pas comprendre n'importe comment.

- Is anyone there who understands French?
- Yes, I do.

Will, you come up here with him, please.
- Alors, il faut que je monte là-haut?
- Mais oui.

You took the very words right out of my mouth, brother.
Let me see your passports. Sit down.
How long have you been in the French army?
Plus que vingt ans.
Twenty years, mademoiselle.

Your passport says nothing about your military rank.
- Je ne comprends pas.
- Il dit que votre passport ne mentionne pas
que vous êtes dans l'armée.

J'ai démissionné,
j'était mis à la retraite.

Then why does he wear that uniform?
Pourquoi portez-vous l'uniforme?
Je vais voir ma soeur et si j'avais dit
que j'étais chassé de l'armée
ça pourrait un peu ..
