Then I heard your name
and found out you were just one of us.
Very proud.
The countess?
Just a moment.
The Duchess of Chambro.
Hello, Your Grace.
Yes, Your Grace.
Well, how did you know I was here?
Oh, the marquis.
Yes, Your Grace, I see.
Dinner tomorrow at your palace?
Well, I'd be delighted.
Listen, Lily, when you come home,
slip up the back way.
L... I can't talk now,
but do what I tell you.
And listen, Lily. Do you know
what that darn dog of yours did?
So he really did?
How charming.
Well, my compliments
to the duke. Good-bye.
There you are.
The scandal is on.
Countess, I'm sorry.
If you think it's best
for you to go, well...
I think that's very nice of you.
Yes, very nice.
- I think we should have a cocktail.
- Ah.