- Please.
- Oh, thank you, madame.
You've had your breakfast?
Oh, but of course you have.
Oh, yes, madame.
You see, I have to get up very early.
My little brother goes to school.
You see, Mother is dead.
Yes, that's the trouble with mothers.
First you get to like them,
and then they die.
Oh, thanks.
Thank you. And now, mademoiselle,
the reason I asked you to come...
- Two lumps, madame?
- Please.
Thank you.
Oh, may I?
- Now, mademoiselle.
- Yes, madame?
You see, uh...
Not a word to Monsieur La Valle.
About what?
He doesn't want me to eat them,
and naturally I don't want
to upset him.
Naturally not.
Now, mademoiselle...
in the short time that you have been
Monsieur La Valle's secretary,
have you noticed any change in him?
Well, uh, yes and no.
To me he seems rather nervous.
Uh-huh, he smokes too much.
No. No, he works too much.
He's chained to his desk.
Too much detail.
Now, uh, if you could take over
some of his work...
So he wouldn't be so confined
to his office.