Design for Living

read it.
I'm sure you'll adore it

it's a woman's play
those faking art dealers.
peanut brains, parasites!

- maybe he's right. maybe they are ...
- no they are not!

- I don't know Gilda.
- well I know. Those paintings are great.
And don't let anybody tell you they aren't

- three of them have.
- well they're all fools.
they'll be breaking their necks
to get hold of your work

- maybe when I'm dead.
- stop it

- if you can't believe in yourself, believe in me
- I'm no good. it's getting obvious

George, you're a fine painter
you're an artist, you're going to be one of the great ones
and if you lie down in the middle of the road
I'll hate you

well friends
the gentleman addressing you
is none other than the illustrious
Mr Thomas B. Chambers

the new dramatic thunderbolt
of the London theatre

"Good Night Bassington" has been accepted
- you don't mean it?
- did you sign the contract?

in letters of fire
100 pounds advance
it's colossal.
Bank of England

- that's a good bank, eh?
- the best!

by the way Gilda,
I neglected to mention

I'm supposed to go to London
- tonight?
- tonight

Mr Douglas seems to thing
that I might be a great help during rehearsals

- you know, half the play depends on some ...
- on bringing out its brittle quality
