Dinner at Eight

and l want you and Wayne
a week from tonight.

Yes, dinner at 8:00.
- Mr. Jordan's late.
- He probably stopped at the dock.

- Where'd you put those invoices?
- What invoices?

For the Castilian.
What's the hurry?
She's not sailing till tomorrow.

Good morning, Mr. Jordan.
Good morning. lt's cold outside.
- Why, l thought it was real pleasant.
- Not down on the dock.

- Cold down there, all right.
- Yes.

Just a minute.
The Castilian isn't going to sail tomorrow.
- What?
- Not sailing?

No use sending a boat out
without enough cargo in her...

to keep her down in the water.
My, my.
No Jordan boat has missed a trip
in 60 years.

l know that.
Will the Santa Clara sail next week?
Cheer up, Fosdick.
lt's just as good a line as it ever was.
The best in the world.
Right you are.
Some other people think so, too.
Wish l knew who it was
that's trying to buy up our stock.

You're not going to lose control of the line,
Mr. Jordan.

Mr. Jordan, your father, your grandfather--
No. Of course not.
And we're going to put up a fight
they wouldn't be ashamed of, either.

And the first step in that.
Did you get ahold of Mr. Packard?

- He's coming in this morning.
- Good.

Mr. Jordan,
Miss Carlotta Vance is here to see you.

Carlotta? Here? Outside?
Oliver! Ducky!
l never was so glad to see anyone
in all my life.

Carlotta, this is a surprise.
Why, you look marvellous.
