- l apologize, Jordan.
- That's all right.
Now, l may be wrong.
Tell you what you do.
You get me some figures on this thing:
the assets, the stockholders,
a list of them, and the holdings....
You submit it to me,
l'll give you an answer within 24 hours.
That's very kind of you.
- What's the matter? Got a pain?
- Oh, no.
- lt's a little indigestion.
- lndigestion? Half a lemon.
l get it all the time.
Half a lemon in hot water.
l got to travel, l'm in a hurry.
You send me all the dope.
l'll do whatever l can. So long.
Mr. Jordan, l wouldn't trust that man
as far as l could throw a bull by the tail.
l hope you're wrong.
l hope we're both wrong.
Why, what's the matter, sir?
l'm all right.
Mrs. Jordan, sir.
Hello, dear.
Darling, l'm simply out of my mind.
l'm still shy one couple,
and l just can't find an extra man.
What am l going to do, dear?
You can do something for me, dear.
You can invite Dan Packard and his wife.
You're joking.
Ask that common little woman
to my house?
And that noisy, vulgar man?
He smells Oklahoma.
Oh, no, they're not as bad as that.