Dr. Talbot's come.
Good. He'll take care of you all right.
Ferncliffe. What a break.
- Goodbye, kitten. See you tomorrow.
- That's fine, goodbye.
Come on, Oscar, let's go.
Tina, quick, get me that other jacket,
the one with the fur.
Hurry up, you nitwit!
Clear the things off the bed
and fix it up a bit.
Tina, leave me my book.
You know, the fat one
that Dr. Talbot gave me.
lt says Aspects of the Adult Mind.
- Here it is.
- Leave it here.
Now, show the doctor in.
Well, what's this?
Hello, Doctor.
l just ran into your husband downstairs.
He tells me
he's going to see the President.
Yes, he's going to help him fix things.
What's wrong with the little lady?
Doctor, l don't know.
l kind of ached all over
and felt funny and....
You got to be careful of the flu,
and l thought maybe if l stayed in bed....
You never come and see me anymore
unless l send for you.
Now listen, Kitty, l've been very busy.
But l'm so lonely for you, Wayne.
You know how l need you.
l don't do anything all day
except just long for you.
Why don't you try and read?
l know. You're tired of me.