- No, l'm not, honey, but you know
- Wayne, darling!
Look at you, quivering with pride.
Just 'cause you're going to be ate tonight
by Lord and Lady what's his name.
The aspic.
- lt's too divine, Mrs. Wendel.
- Thank you, ma'am.
lt was the only thing l was worried about.
No, l think that's better, Mrs. Wendel.
What is it, The Wreck of the Hesperus?
lt's the British lion
in honor of Lord Ferncliffe.
lt will just make the dinner.
lsn't that Aunt Emma's vegetable dish?
Yes, isn't it lovely?
- This just came, Mrs. Jordan.
- Thank you, Dora.
l can still remember
when a telegram always meant bad news.
- Good heavens!
- You see?
Freddy Hope, my extra man,
he's got pneumonia.
Of all the thoughtless, selfish....
On the day of my dinner, too.
What am l going to do?
Why do anything?
l never could understand why
it has to be just even, male and female.
They're invited for dinner, not for mating.
l don't know where to find someone
who'll fit in with the Ferncliffes.
Nothing but a rubber plant would fit in
with the Ferncliffes.
Why don't you get an actor for Carlotta?
- An actor?
- A movie star.
Aren't there any movie stars around?
l've got it. Larry Renault.
He'd be too marvelous.
- l wonder if he's still in town.
- He was in town yesterday.
Ed, the movie hound, read me an interview
with him in last night's Telegram.
He's leaving pictures and going into a play.
And he knows Carlotta.
We met him at her place in Antibes
three years ago. He was a sensation.
The girls fighting to get into his car.
And on the beach...