- A little drink.
- Any reason why l shouldn't?
No, of course not.
Except, at Mother's tonight...
l want them to see you at your best.
Larry, don't.
Paula, mind your own business, will you?
- Don't talk to me like that.
- l'll do as l please.
- Darling, let's not quarrel.
- l'm sorry.
l'm kind of on edge today,
deciding about this play...
and everything.
lt's my fault. l'm a little jumpy myself.
Ernest gets back from abroad this evening.
Will he be there at your mother's?
Poor Ernest.
l'm awfully sorry for him. He's so sweet.
l can't understand yet what's happened.
Less than a month ago,
l thought l was in love with him.
You were one of those
million-dollar movie stars.
- Paula, l want to tell you something
- l know.
Ernest is just the sort of young man
l should marry.
And you're the sort
that girls are always warned against.
l don't give a hoot what people say.
l know all the things you've done.
l know how many times
you've been married.
- l'm still married.
- l don't care.
l'm sick of hiding my love for you.
l'm sick of scheming and pretending.
Do you think l can go on with Ernest?
After all we've been to each other?
You don't know anything about me.
- You've known me a month.
- Larry, how can you?
A month. As though time were important.
lt is important.
There are other things important.