Dinner at Eight

As much as l can love any woman.
But it isn't real love anymore.
There have been too many.
l've been in love a hundred times.

l've had three wives.
- You want to know about them?
- No.

There was Violet.
She was a vaudeville hoofer.

Rooming houses, dirty kimonos,
fried-egg sandwiches.

We fought like wildcats.
Then l broke into pictures and l left her.

Then l married Edith.
She was crazy about my profile.
Always kept talking about it.

She was society.
We were happy for about six months.
Then Hollywood dazzled her.
You know what happened.

Out in her car one night,
drunk as the devil...

over the cliff.
Were you in love with her?
As for Marcelle, you know about her.
She's the top of the heap now.
Biggest draw of any woman in pictures.

Ambitious. l've never known any woman
like her.

She'd do anything to get along,
and knife me to get there.

Always telling me someday
she'd be bigger than l was...

and now l'm....
There they are, the three of them.
l won't tell you about the others.
They swarmed on me.

Every age, kind, and description.
What do you want with me?
l love you.
