l'm all right now.
How long has this been going on?
Have you ever had it before?
No. Not exactly like this.
lt's probably indigestion.
What did you have for lunch?
l didn't have much of anything.
l'd like you to come in tomorrow
for a more thorough examination.
All right. 2:15?
l'll be at the hospital till 4:00
so you better make it 4:15.
All right.
l feel great.
l may fool you
and not come at all tomorrow.
You show up here.
Broken appointments are charged double.
l never pay them anyhow.
What are you doing tonight, Oliver?
You're dining with us.
That's right.
Couldn't you arrange to sneak away
and go to bed early?
We're going to the theater.
Now, you avoid any excitement...
and stop worrying about business.
- Old pump out of order?
- No. lt's a bit weary.
- Just a little tired, that's all.
- l see.
- See you later. Dinner at 8:00?
- l believe so.
- Goodbye, Oliver.
- Goodbye, Doctor.
- Thank you very much.
- lt's all right.
You're not fooling me.
How bad is it?
Coronary artery. Thrombosis.
How long will he live?
A few years, months...