Oh, to see which side of my face
looks best and all that.
Both sides look all right to me.
Yes, but you're not
the movie director.
If I was, you wouldn't be here.
Well, is that a nice thing to say.
This is no place for a girl.
I wish you wouldn't keep harping
on that. It's very mean of you.
Anybody would think
I'd been a lot of trouble.
I haven't. You can't say I've been
one bit of trouble to anyone...
...have I?
- Sure you have. Sure you have.
- I don't see...
Well, how?
Just... Just being around is trouble.
Oh, dear, and I thought everything
was going so nicely.
Oh, you're all right.
But women just can't help
being a bother.
- Made that way I guess.
- Well, anyhow...
I've had the happiest time
of my life on this old ship.
That's... That's fine.
Did you really mean that, Ann?
Of course. Everyone's so nice to me.
Dr. Denham and the skipper...
Don't you think the skipper
is a sweet old lamb?
I'd hate to have him
hear me say that.
Iggy's nice to me.
Iggy likes me better than
he likes anybody onboard.
Don't you, Iggy?
- That's right. Of course you do.
- Beauty and the beast, eh?
Well, now, I never thought
I was good-Iooking.
Put on one of the costumes.
The light's right for those tests now.
All right, Mr. Denham.
I won't be a minute.
Beauty and the beast.
Mr. Denham...
...I'm gonna do some butting in.
- What's your trouble?
- When do we find out...
...where we're going?
- Pretty soon.
Will you tell us
what happens after?
How can I? I'm not a fortuneteller.
You must have
some idea what you're after.