Lady for a Day

May l present
Count Alfonso Romero

and his son, Carlos.
How do you do?
It is indeed a pleasure,
my dear Count.

We've been looking forward
to this visit for some time.

Thank you.
How stupid of me.
This is...
your Uncle David.

My uncle?
I didn't know l had an uncle.
You must be Father's brother.
I'm so pleased.
Why, Mother, you didn't write
a word about him.

That's because Brother David
is the black sheep of the family.

I want you to meet Count Romero
and his son Carlos.
- This is my uncle, David Manville.
- How do you do?

- Where do you think you're going?
- Are you talking to me?

I ain't talking to your Aunt Tilly.
I'm a news reporter.
I want to chat with the Count.

You're wrong. He ain't no Count.
Yeah, somebody threw you
a bum steer.

Shows you what
a rumor will do.

What you want to do
is go over to Pier 48.

There's a boat coming in
from the Argentines.

Maybe there's a king and queen
on it, you can't tell.

Take this man to Pier 48.
It's in the Bronx.

- But 48 is down by the Battery.
- In the Bronx!

Wonder what their racket is?
Looks like a couple of
foreigners being taken over.

Let's talk to the Dude.
Happy, a couple of cops
are going to see the Dude.

Holy smoke! We gotta stop 'em.
Go start a fight.
Sock the Weasel.

- The Weasel? He's my brother!
- I said sock him.

Hey, Weasel.
I hate to do this.

Fight! Fight!
Fight! Fight!
