The Count wants it in Spain
with the whole world attending.
Sorry, Ma...
We don't care where it happens,
as long as it happens.
That's the way to talk.
- Hello, Brother David.
- Edward.
- Hello, Mr. McGuire.
- Judge.
You've all met David's secretary.
Yeah, my... secretary, everybody.
I'm so glad you came, Mr. McGuire.
You might want to
invite him to our reception.
Sure, good idea.
Come on, Happy.
What do you mean 'reception'?
We're having a reception
for the folks day after tomorrow,
the night their boat
returns to Spain.
Isn't that just dandy.
You're surprised,
aren't you, Brother David?
Thought you would be, knowing me.
I've never known a man to detest
receptions so violently
as the judge.
Who's coming, Brother Edward?
Just a few of our friends.
A small affair,
100, 150 perhaps.
Hardly a handful.
The Count is tired of
seeing buildings, aren't you?
He wants to meet our friends.
The Count will love our friends.
Of course, l'll look to you,
Brother David, to help me.
Of course, of course.
I'd like to have a talk with you
before you do anything about it.
There's one or two things
l want to straighten you out on.
By all means, Brother David.
- Yes, john?
- A newspaperman to see you, sir.
What does he want, john?
Perhaps he's heard about the Count
and wants to write about him.
Perhaps you better see him
on your way out, Brother David.
You're so clever at
handling newspapermen.
I'll handle him.
What can we do for you?
Society reporter, The Star.
I want to get a story on
Mrs. E. Worthington Manville.