This film was shot in 1932...
...soon after the founding of the Spanish Republic.
The region we are going to visit is called Las Hurdes.
It's barren and inhospitable and man is forced to fight for subsistence.
The first road to las Hurdes was built only in 1922.
Before that, it was unknown to the rest of the world and even in Spain.
On the way to Las Hurdes, we pass La Alberca.
It's a bit more prosperous, but still feudal.
Almost all the inhabitants of Las Hurdes are in debt to this town.
The church at La Alberca.
Two skulls in their niches symbolise the town's destiny.
Most homes have three storeys.
This is rare in Spain and gives the streets a medieval aspect.
Many homes have a religious text over the door:
"Ave Maria, conceived without sin."
The day we arrived, the women were dressed in their finery.
Why were they dressed so beautifully?
They said they were going to the plaza...
...for an annual ceremony that's strange and barbaric.