Rich vegetation...
...with more than 200 species of trees.
Yet 5 kilometres from this fertile valley...
...there are almost no trees.
Just a few fruit trees, rockroses and heather.
The convent is surrounded by an 8 kilometer wall.
It protects from attacks by wolves and wild boar.
...are the scattered ruins of 18 hermitages.
Each is marked by a cypress or two.
Beyond here...
.. lies Las Hurdes proper.
We are entering the barren lands of Las Hurdes.
The village of Aceitunilla is in one of the poorest valleys.
The white building is the school, built recently.
On its sloping streets we encounter daily life.
Strange, but we never heard anyone singing in Las Hurdes.
A miserable rivulet...
...runs through the village
down from the hills.
In summer, water in scarce.
The villagers are obliged to use
this filthy water.
Strange things go on here.
The rivulet serves many purposes.