Queen Christina

I have heard of the enemy's losses.
What were ours?
10,000 men, 4,000 horses, 200 cannon.
A few more victories like this...
and we will have to hire foreigners
to fight our battles.

In the end, the enemy will pay for it.
In the meantime, it would be a good
moment to vote fresh monies for the war.

The Lord Treasurer will tell Your Majesty
we need it.

He doesn't have to tell me.
These reports tell me.

This war is expensive.
The Parliament clamors for more war.
They clamor for a Swedish marriage
for Your Majesty.

They clamor for an heir of Swedish blood.
In short, Chancellor, they clamor.
Here are your reports. This one I keep.
Thank you, My Lords.
I shall see you in the Parliament.

Your Majesty.
Yes, Count Magnus.
It's so long since I have seen you.
- I saw you yesterday.
- To me that's long since.

I am not an idle woman, Magnus.
I have a war on my hands.
Are you going to marry the national hero?
You are petulant, Magnus,
and I have no time to soothe you.

The Parliament is waiting.
We are eager to greet
our victorious cousin...

Prince Palatine Charles Gustavus.
