Fascinating profession, to run an inn.
- You sit still and the world comes to you.
- Yes, My Lord.
Will you sup here?
I'll have a fire for you presently.
- I will sup below.
- Yes, My Lord.
We must have your best room.
My Lord is a great noble.
In fact, you may never again
have a guest of his quality.
- You will be well-paid.
- You shall have 15 thalers.
- What does the gentleman want?
- Accommodation for the night.
Why, only now,
this gentleman has taken our last room.
The best one.
Sir, I owe you an apology.
I crave your forgiveness for my mistake.
There is no need, sir.
I took pleasure in earning that thaler.
I keep it for good luck.
I am really mortified.
Of course, sir.
It was the fault of my old coat.
I hope that you will permit me
a less superficial acquaintance with you.
Will you favor me with your company
at supper?
- Lf I may be your host.
- No.
It must be my privilege to entertain you.
Besides, you come from a country
that is close to my heart.
- You know Spain?
- Somewhat.
I shall like news of your countrymen.
- My countrymen?
- Yes, I shall like news of Velázquez.
Has he painted any new works recently?
What of Calderón?
He writes plays so quickly,
there must be new ones.
When were you last in Spain?
I have never been there,
only in my thoughts.
How wonderful.
You are a find indeed.
Landlord, come here.
This gentleman will sup with me.