I've been memorizing this room.
In the future...
in my memory...
I shall live a great deal in this room.
You wait.
I'll show you the whole living world.
I have imagined happiness...
but happiness you cannot imagine...
happiness you must feel...
joy you must feel.
And this great joy I feel now...
- Antonio?
- What?
This is how the Lord must have felt...
when he first beheld a finished world...
with all his creatures breathing, living.
And to think...
a few snowdrifts
might have separated us forever.
We might have been born
in different centuries.
No, I never would have permitted that.
We're inevitable. Don't you feel it?
I feel it.
But you, how can you be so sure?
You know me so little.
That's true. There's a mystery in you.
Is there not in every human being?
Tell me, you said you would...
why did you come to this inn
dressed as a man?
In my home, I'm very constrained.
Everything is arranged very formally.