Welcome, Your Excellency.
Your Majesty, I have come on a special...
Your Excellency will convey
to the King of Spain...
our high appreciation
of the honor he does us...
in sending to our court
a person of your quality.
Your Excellency has the King's letter?
Your Majesty...
I have come on a special mission
from His Majesty of Spain...
on a matter of great public importance.
Will Your Majesty hear it now?
We will hear it presently,
in private audience.
In the meantime, be assured of our
warm consideration to your sovereign...
and to you, his envoy.
I humbly thank Your Majesty.
We admire greatly
the powers of your country.
Not only your skill in statecraft,
but in the sciences and in the arts.
Your Majesty is most gracious.
The repute you have for learning
is known to all Europe.
We look forward
to our further meeting with you.
We would like news
of your men of genius...