She Done Him Wrong

Probably, nothing...
to her.
Say, the flies here are terrible.
You pick out the ones you don't like
and I'll kill them for you.

- Someone wants to talk to you in the office.
- All right, Spider.

Excuse me, Dan.

Lou is the swellest girl
that ever came down the Bowery.

You fellas don't know nothing about Lou.
But I do.

Just before the battle, Mother
- When did you get in, Rita?
- Two days ago.

But I did not come here direct,
you understand.

Good girl, Rita. Take no chances.
We are very discreet, Serge and me.
Gus, you must like Serge.
He's been a most valuable assistant.

- Sure you can trust him?
- You know Rita.

We've got to be especially careful.
I can't take chances of having headquarters
watching around this way.

- They will find nothing.
- No, not if we stay awake.

But don't forget. No talking to anyone.
Rita never talks.
- But are you sure about Lou?
- She doesn't know a thing.

Say, she's out of this. Understand? Out of it.
Of course, Gus, if you say so.
Serge, we were talking
about Gus' friend, Lou.

Yes, I have heard of her.
She's very beautiful, yes?
More beautiful than these?
She makes them look
like a bunch of dishwashers.
