She Done Him Wrong

I wish he'd forget me,
but the guy is a memory expert.

Go up to pacify him, Lou.
Make him think everything is all right.

Chick is pretty bad when he wants to be.
You don't want him feeding you bullets.
I don't exactly want to be dodging around
in tin corsets.

How's about it us going up
to see him tomorrow?

Why tomorrow?
Me laundry will be back then.
- Make it Sunday. It'll be nice and quiet.
- That's fine, Lou.

It'll be a swell trip.
We can take the boat up the Hudson.

I'll take the train. Water and me don't agree.
All right.
- Wait a minute.
- Please don't tell them I'm here, Captain.

- Captain, will you help me?
- What's the matter, Pete?

There was a window broken
down at Flaherty's drug store.

I didn't mean to do it.
Where is he?

Which way did he go?
That's Doheney.

- Don't let him get me, Captain.
- Get up there and stay quiet.

- Where is he?
- Who?

Don't try to fool me. I know you're
always trying to help these dirty crooks.

Now where did he go?
Where did you put him?

- Who do you mean?
- Pete the Duke, you know who I mean.

You must be mistaken.
Pete's been helping me all afternoon.

- Who says so?
- I do.

Two against one, Doheney,
so flap your heels.

What's the matter here?
You're in again?

Listen, Jordan, I'm after Pete the Duke,
I saw him come in the door...

Just a minute, Doheney. I thought I told you
you weren't welcome here.

What's the use of stalling me?
I saw him come in the door...

Ain't having much luck, are you?
I'd have a great deal more
if Doheney and the others would cooperate.

Ain't none of them worth saving.
If you hang around them long enough,
you'll get that way yourself.

Thanks for the kind interest.
I always did like a man in a uniform.
That one fits you grand.
Why don't you come up sometime
and see me?

- I'm home every evening.
- Yeah, but I'm busy every evening.
