I'll see about that little matter another time.
All right.
- Lou, it looks like Chick's done it.
- Done what?
I ain't sure, but word's around he broke jail.
- Made a getaway?
- I'm just telling you. I'll be standing by.
Thanks, Spider. Keep your eyes open
and don't tell anyone.
I won't, Lou.
Come in.
I came to inquire about Sally Glynn.
I'm told she came here
after she left the mission that day.
- Where is she?
- How should I know?
You know where she is. I want you to tell me.
So you've come to me
to find another woman.
I don't know and I wouldn't tell you if I did.
You see, her father's over at the mission
looking for her.
- That's the only reason you want to know?
- Yeah.
Gus and his friends got her a job.
You don't know where?
No. I got other things to think about.
Would you give me your word
that you know nothing more?
- Would you believe me if I did?
- Yes, of course.
- That's all I know.
- I'm glad to hear that.
Say it like you mean it.
I do. I'm anxious not to see you
mixed up in it.
But I guess I'm taking your time.
What do you suppose my time's for?
Sit down.
That's it, loosen up.
Unbend. You'll feel better.
- Cigarette?
- No, thanks. I don't smoke.
Yes, I guess smoking is gonna make a man
look effeminate before long.