Belle of the Nineties

Hello, police department?
There's a suspicious looking character
down in front of 441 Olive Street.

You better come and get him before
he does something desperate. Thanks.

Fix him.
Kirby'll kill me for this.
- What do you care?
- I don't.

Absence does make the heart grow fonder,
doesn't it?

You don't stay away too long.
You don't mean you were
with some other guy while I was gone?

Oh, honey, you ain't jealous.
Ruby, if I catch some guy trying
to fool around with you, I'll bust him in half.

I couldn't blame you,
but you got nothing to worry about.

Promise me you'll never
think of another man.

- That depends on you.
- Ruby, I'll love you always.

Who could ask for more?
What are you doing here?
I'm only...

Oh, yeah?
Now, wait.
Good night, dear.
I've got to get the kid straightened out,
and that's the only way I can do it.

Did what I tell you
penetrate your thick head?

Yeah, sure.
All right.

Now don't forget the name and the number,
and lay it on thick.

There's a five-spot in it for each of you.
I'll show that dame
there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Now, I ain't the kind of guy...
Real nice of you to drop around.
Supposing you get into your gym clothes
and get busy.

What's the rush? I just sat down.
When do you plan on training?
After the fight?
