Belle of the Nineties

Don't worry. No one would have known you
in a million years.

I hardly recognised you myself.
Swell stuff, Ace.
I'll put it away and we'll join the party.
Folks, I've just come down
Down from Memphis town

That's where people smile
smile at you all the while

They were good to me

I couldn't spend a dime
I had the grandest time

I went out dancing
with a Tennessee dear

They had a fellow there named Handy
with a band you should hear

While the white folks gently swayed
All those darkies played

real harmony
I never will forget the tune
that they call the Memphis blues

Oh, those blues
They've got a fiddler up there
who always slickens his hair

And, boy, he sure do pull some bow
And when the big bassoon
seconds to the trombone's croon

Oh, yeah
No one can make it
like that piano man
