Belle of the Nineties

that's weak.
All my life
I've been looking for a man...

that's big, handsome,
and got plenty of money.

What you've been looking for is three men.
- Are you in love?
- Uh-huh.

What kind of husband
should I get?

Why don't you take a single man?
Leave the husbands alone.

And that's one to remember.
Yes, ma'am.

I still don't understand why you is giving
Mr. Claybourne all those jewels back.

I'm going to stop this thing
before it goes too far.

I could like him very much.
I don't think I'd make him happy.
And people would talk.
What could anybody say
about you, Miss Ruby?

People get reputations
from people talking about people...

when they don't even know the people.
Yeah, saying things that ain't true.
Give me my pocketbook.
When you go to that prayer meeting
say a little prayer for me.

Yes, ma'am, I sure will.
Here, put that in the collection,
and be sure not to take any change.

No, ma'am.
Pray, children
Pray, pray children
and you'll be saved
Preach it, brother, preach it.
Tell it now, tell it now.
Pray, children
Bow down, bow down.
Yeah, Lord, yeah, Lord.
Bow down, bow down.
