I read my bible and
don't mess around.
What do you want to tell me?
I've been addin' things up.
And subtracting, dividing
and multiplying.
And get the same answer.
It wouldn't be honest to race
Bill for anyone else.
Who asked you?
Go on, get out of here.
Yes, sir.
See you.
Come on, Bill.
Mr. Brooks!
Your wife wants you
to come right home.
There's a meeting tonight.
Beat it.
But she...
Get out of here, I told you!
I was just trying to tell you.
Its very important.
He made 1:40.
How's that?
Who made 1:40?
Broadway Bill.
With Whitey. He
must weight at least 150.
There's a meeting tonight.
Finish dressing.
Lets dock the meeting.
You take a bath?
Smells horsy to me.
I'll take 4 if we
dock the meeting.
Don't be silly.
There's a full moon.
Lets go out and sit
under it all night.
Or 2 nights, a week.
What do you say?
Whats eating you?
Same old bugs.
Father'd have a royal
fit if we didn't show up.
We've got to go.
Hang the meeting.
What difference does it make?
Your father'll do all the
talking, and we'll go:
Yes, J.L. Of course, J.L.
I've got a chronic pain in
my neck from nodding.
Don't be a fool.
Lets go throw rock
as the meeting.
You say such stupid things.
Lets do something else.
Why don't you get a zipper?
Some day you'll be calling the
meetings and won't want rocks.