Its a long shot.
Got to try it.
Is this it?
Yes. Sturdy and dependable.
What is it?
Does it look like a lawnmower?
Might as well be.
Come on, beloved, Broadway
Bill's in the 2nd race.
Oh, darling!
I couldn't sleep last night
thinking of you.
You make love so beautifully!
Thats only the beginning.
Lets go.
Give them plenty of start.
I can still hear them.
Whats the matter?
They've been there 10 minutes.
Having trouble with
Broadway Bill.
Turn him round there.
Hold him.
Get back there.
Turn him around and
bring him in here.
Guess he ain't ready yet.
Sure he is.
Nervous in his first race.
He'll outrun them all.
Hold him!
Don't let him through.
Number 5.
That horse is half nuts.
Joe, we're going home.