Broadway Bill

I married the wrong woman.
What will we open tonight?
Which one?
the split pea soup
and the succoté.

The split pea soup...
and the succoté.
The split pea soup and the succoté.
The split pea soup
and the succoté...

had a fight upon a timer.
Said the split pea soup
to the succoté:

Without corn you'd
just be lima.

–Oh, lima.

Without corn you'd
just be lima.

Get out of here!
What makes you so happy?
Well, I'll tell you.

Because the old man with the
whiskers got his arm around me.

Because we entered Bill in
the $500 race tomorrow...

with the money you
forced on me.

Because I've got a winner,
and our troubles are over.

Gosh darn, you're not very
much yourself now.

You're not very
much yourself now.

–What rimes with self?

I ought to let you have it.
You want to win that race?
You'll never know how much.
You will, I'm sure of it.
–Got my fingers crossed.
–I know you have.

I got to get the money
to do things.

Buy more horses, train them right.
–I may even go in for breeding.
–Sounds wonderful!

I'm going to have the finest
thoroughbreds in the country.

It’s starting to rain.
Put Bradshaw on!
Mr. Whitehall.
How's Gallant Lady?
It’s raining hard.

Make sure all the windows
are shut.

We don't want her
catching any colds.
