Broadway Bill

Come on!
Come on, boy!
That’s it, try.
Come on! There you go!
He's trying to get up!

Bill, come on, boy. Come on!
Come on, up you go.
Come on!
Come on, up you go!
Come on, up.
–That’s it, Bill!

How do you feel?
–He's up!
–That’s great, Bill!

Look at his eyes.
–What happened?
–I gave him a talking to.

Get some carrots.
Hey, Whitey!

I know where they are.
Come on, Bill, eat carrots.
Look at him!
–He's eating, Princess.
–He'll be OK by Saturday.

Sure he will.
I can't take a chance, Colonel.
Not until Saturday.

We got to dig up
$500 someplace else.

I am entirely at your disposal.
We'll have to go out
and work for it.

Let’s not go too far.
Funny place to make money,
around a racetrack.

–I'll help.
–This is a man's job.

–lf I must, I must.
–Go dig up Paddy.

The shock'll kill him.
–Any ideas?
–A hand full of them.

Princess, take care of Bill.
We'll dig up that 500.

Right on the dot.
Come on, dice.
–10 is the point!
–What luck!

Yes, a 10!
Wait a minute!
–You've had it!

–What’s the name?

–Mary Smith?

–The coat too?
–No, not yet.
