I'm starting to think
you couldn't find your way home.
This is the last session...
- Yeah?
- Telegram for you.
- Bring it in.
- Another wire from Peter Warne.
Warne? Throw it in the wastebasket.
Wait a minute. What does it say?
"Have I got a story. Stop.
It's getting hotter and hotter. Stop.
"Hope you're the same."
- Collect?
- Yes.
- Lf you accept another one, you're fired.
- Yes, sir.
And that gives me an idea for all of you.
I want action, Lovington, action.
- We can't do the impossible.
- It isn't impossible.
She's somewhere between here and Miami.
I want her found.
- I put extra men on, the whole way.
- That's not enough.
Send in Clark and Brown.
- You sure she isn't with King Westley?
- No.
He's being trailed 24 hours a day.
He can't even get a phone call
we don't know about.
I'm worried. After all,
something might have happened to her.
I don't think so.
Brown, arrange a radio broadcast.
Coast-to-coast hook up.
Offer a reward of...
...$10,000 for information
on her whereabouts.
Clark, send the story
to all of the newspapers.
Some out-of-town papers
may not have a picture of her.
Wire this to them.
I want the story to break right away.
Now we'll get some action!
Fine, that's fine.
You know that one
about the man who flew on the trapeze?