A Night at the Opera

You know, he does better asleep
than I do awake.

Yeah, he always sleeps that way.
- Now he's half-asleep.
- Yes, he's half-asleep in a half Nelson.

- All right, come on.
- Yes?

I'm the engineer.
I'm here to turn off the heat.

You can start right in on him.
Wake up, Tomasso.
Tomasso, we're going to eat soon.
You know, if it wasn't for Gottlieb,
I wouldn't have got this room.

Just hold him there a second.
- Yes?
- Did you want a manicure?

No. Come on in.
I hadn't planned on a manicure,
but on ajourney like this...

you ought to have
every convenience you can get.

Listen, I'm getting the manicure.
Get out of here, will you?

Did you want your nails long or short?
You better make them short.
It's getting kind of crowded in here.

I don't know. This isn't the way
I pictured an ocean voyage.

I always visualized myself in a steamer
chair with a steward bringing me bouillon.

Come on, Riccardo.
You couldn't get bouillon in unless
they brought it in through a keyhole.

I'm the engineer's assistant.
I had a premonition
you were going to show up.

The engineer's over there in the corner.
You can chop your way right through.

Is it my imagination,
or is it getting crowded in here?

I got plenty of room.
- Yes?
- Is my Aunt Minnie in here?

You can come in and prowl around
if you want to.

If she isn't in here, you can probably
find somebody just as good.

- Could I use your phone?
- Use the phone?

- I'll lay you even money you can't get in.
- How do you do?

This boat will be in New York
before you get to that phone.

I came to mop up.
Just the woman I'm looking for.
Come right ahead.

You have to start on the ceiling.
It's the only place that's not occupied.

- You can clean my shoes if you want to.
- Operator.

Tell Aunt Minnie to send up
a bigger room, will you?

- Steward.
- Come right ahead.

- The food!
- We've been waiting all afternoon for you.

I want my Aunt Minnie!
