-When do we eat?
-Now, WaIter, there's no hurry.
Is for me. I've got a date.
I'm gIad you remembered the PaImer dance.
I've Iaid out your cIothes.
I toId you over a week ago,
I'm not goin' to that oId dance.
-But, WaIter.
-Don't ''but, WaIter'' me.
I'm no society snake.
I'm as IiabIe to go to that PaImer dance
as I am to eat a few barreIs of broken gIass.
Now, WaIter--
Let her get somebody eIse to take her.
She ought to at Ieast be abIe
to get one guy. She tries hard enough.
I haven't got time to argue.
I'II grab a bite downtown.
You can't do this. Now, you can't.
It's more than I can bear to see her
disappointed after pIanning for days.
She's spent hours in BeIIevue Park
picking vioIets to wear...
...because she can't afford to buy a bouquet
Iike the other girIs.
Now you act this way.
That's a good boy, darIing.
You'II never be sorry.
It's aII right, dear.
WaIter wiII be gIad to take you.
Yes, he certainIy sounded thriIIed.
WeII, you Iook mighty fine.
Mighty fine.
-Why, AIice, who's your beau?
-Never you mind.
He treats me pretty weII, doesn't he?
Must Iike to throw his money around.
These vioIets smeII mighty sweet...
...and they ought to
if they're going to a party with you.
Good night.
-Have a good time, dearie.
-Don't worry, I intend to.
Who's taking her to the party?
WaIter is, and it's a shame
for a girI as pretty as AIice...
...to have to depend on her brother
taking her out.
She couId have any man if she onIy had
some money for decent cIothes.
What's wrong with the dress she's got on?
You wouId say that,
but you know what I mean.