She's not run after Iike other girIs because
she's poor and hasn't any background.
My, have I got to Iisten to that again?
Yes, you have, and I'II keep on being at it.
Now, my dear young men,
I cannot dance with aII of you.
Why don't you ask
some of the other girIs to dance?
Why not get those dear young men
to take you to the dance...
...instead of dragging me?
Now, you know you Iove
to escort your IittIe sister.
This is me, WaIter, take it easy.
Hurry it up, I'm waiting for you.
You Iook IoveIy, AIice.
I do think I Iook nice enough
not to have to dance...
...with that fat Frank DowIing.
AII I ask is for that to happen just once
so that I can treat him...
...the way the other girIs do.
I hope I'II meet someone
taII and dark and romantic.
-Someone I've dreamed of aII my Iife.
-Here, put this on.
-What's that?
-It's your father's raincoat.
I won't need that in a taxi.
Yes, you wiII, getting in and out.
It's begun to rain a IittIe bit, anyway.
Have a good time.
-Have a good time, dearie.
-I wiII.
-WaIter, what on earth?
-I borrowed it from a friend of mine.
-Gee whiz, I can't go in--
-Come on, get in.
-What's the idea?
-Don't go in there.
Back up. Leave this awfuI mess outside.
Back up.
Look what you've done.
I'II have to drive around anyway.